Melanie Merkling is a renowned destination and wedding photographer. She also specializes in maternity, newborn, children and family photography. Melanie has been recognized for her outstanding ability to capture the beauty and emotion of all her clients and provide them with photographs that reflect the life they cherish.
Melanie Merkling Photography 2007 Blog

Monday, April 14, 2008

I love Canadians!!!

I met this hilarious group of Canadian girls while I was in Vegas in February.

They saw me with my camera and asked who I was there to photograph and then asked if
I would take a picture of them. Of course I said yes! They were so sweet they bought drinks for
my friend and I and then took us on a tour of the Bellagio as they searched for the fabulous VIP room, which I hear they found and were able to sneak into shortly after we gave up and went back to our hotel!