Melanie Merkling is a renowned destination and wedding photographer. She also specializes in maternity, newborn, children and family photography. Melanie has been recognized for her outstanding ability to capture the beauty and emotion of all her clients and provide them with photographs that reflect the life they cherish.
Melanie Merkling Photography 2007 Blog

Monday, April 14, 2008


I have the BEST job in the world! February 10-15th I had the amazing opportunity of doing some work in Hawaii! I was hired to
take some photos on the Island of Oahu for Massage Wellness. Alicia Kerr, the owner, is from Aiea. She wanted some photographs for her new location that would give her clients a taste of Hawaii. Here are some of the photos I took there, you can also view them in print at Massage Wellness in Lowell... you can get a fabulous massage while you are there too!