Melanie Merkling is a renowned destination and wedding photographer. She also specializes in maternity, newborn, children and family photography. Melanie has been recognized for her outstanding ability to capture the beauty and emotion of all her clients and provide them with photographs that reflect the life they cherish.
Melanie Merkling Photography 2007 Blog

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tim and Andrea Engagement

I took engagement photos of Tim and Andrea in March and we had such a blast! They are both so easy to photograph, we went all over the place and I ended up taking over 500 pictures of them!!!! Yes you read that right - 544 to be exact - and they are all awesome, I can't wait to photograph their wedding in a couple of weeks. I can't fit all of them on here, but here are some of my favorites!


elevatualma said...

im very impresed this photos are amazing congratulations.