Melanie Merkling is a renowned destination and wedding photographer. She also specializes in maternity, newborn, children and family photography. Melanie has been recognized for her outstanding ability to capture the beauty and emotion of all her clients and provide them with photographs that reflect the life they cherish.
Melanie Merkling Photography 2007 Blog

Monday, April 14, 2008

2008 Art Experience

2008 started with a bang! January had babies, weddings, an awesome workshop in California, followed by Las Vegas and Hawaii during the first two weeks of February. The weekend after I returned from Hawaii, my son's school had its annual Art Experience. I had the honor of being able to participate this year, one of the projects I did was a hand mosaic that was made up of headshots of students from the school, with the background image being a picture of four children's hands. I was really happy with how it turned out and even happier that it raised $1300!


Susan said...


The pictures of Hawaii are great. I also wanted to let you know that I really like your new blog layout.